Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Forgot to tell you about my weekend in the last post.

I call my dad on Saturday morning, and he seems a little off. He keeps asking the same questions and says he is not tracking well. Kind of freaks me out. So I call a friend of his and have him call Dad and see what he thinks (Michael is in Nebraska). Steve calls back and says he seems a little off but he will call back in about an hour and check again. Meantime, Dad has called the shop to check in. He then called back about 30 minutes later and had almost the same conversation. The shop called Michael and Michael called Dad. Dad did not even remember he was in Nebraska. In the interim, I have called Rene and Sammie and they are on their way to Edmond to see what is going on.
I get a call from Steve that says he thinks Dad should go to the hospital to be checked out and Rene and Sammie agree. So, being the good daughter that I am, I ask Dad to do a favor for me and go get checked out. He said he would see. The fact that he did not outright refuse says alot.

So he goes to the ER. They talk to him and determine that something is wrong, and they are going to do a brain scan. Rene, Sammie and Steve are at the hospital and call me to let me know what is going on. They also say they think I should come up. We are at a birthday party, so we leave and I call Jeff, who is at work. He comes home and I pack up and leave. By the time I am about 2/3 of the way there, they call and say he is being discharged. The blood vessels in his brain were constricted and not letting enough blood/oxygen get to his brain and that is the reason he was loopy. They gave him some medicine to take that would help, and told him to see his doctor on Monday. I continue on. I just needed to see for myself that he was OK.
I get there and we talk and he does not remember talking to me, Steve or Michael. He wanted to know why I did not just tell him he was being strange. Hello? Do you think I did not try during the first conversation? Note: When loopy, do not usually listen well.
Everything is fine. His doctor wanted to wait to see him for a couple of weeks so the medicine could have been in his system for a while. He seems to be his usual self.
Just FYI: You can make it from McKinney to Edmond, sleep, go back to McKinney in 21 hours. Thank goodness for the radio and mobile phone.

What a week!

Well - have you ever had one of those weeks? They just seem to go on and on and on? That was last week. I have just recovered enough to get it out there.

On Saturday, March 29th, my adorable daughter, Miranda, came up to me and stated, "Bead in nose." Being the ever alert Mom I am, I asked her what she had said, so she repeated, "Bead in nose." Being on top of it, I asked, "Did you stick a bead up your nose?" She responded with a nod. I looked and could not see the bead, so I asked her about it again. She insisted that it was up her nose. Jeff is outside working with the neighbor to fix the fence that blew over about a month ago. I go outside and calmly tell him I am taking Miranda to the pediatric doc-in-the-box to have a bead removed from her nose. I had to repeat it to him also.
So off Miranda and I go (Sterling played next door with Justin and Emilie) to the clinic. She has sneezed a couple of times, but still says the bead is in her nose. At the clinic, we were seen pretty fast. The doctor came in and looked up her nose and said, "There is is. It is purple." So of course, I looked too. Yep, I see it now. They explain to me how they will get it out. Does not sound like lots of fun, but then you don't need to be putting beads in your nose, do you??? The doctor takes a bulb syringe and shoots warm water up the side of the nose that does NOT have the bead in it, and the bead - and a lot of water - come shooting out of Miranda's nose. She was not very happy about that procedure. But you can ask her and she will tell you that we do not put things in noses.

Then comes Monday. I am supposed to go to work in the afternoon to help out with a funeral, but my morning still goes along as usual. I take Sterling to gymnastics and Miranda and I go to Wal-Mart. Since I don't need much, I let her sit in the back of the cart. She is being pretty good. But just as I decide to turn a little quickly (almost missed my aisle), she decides to stand up. You guessed it - out she falls, on her head, on the floor at WM. She screams. I run and grab her. No blood, but she is not a happy camper. Being the together Mom, I call the pediatricians office to see if they would like to see her. They say no, but since she fell from a distance greater than four feet, I should take her to the ER so they can determine if she needs a CT scan. What the...?
I go pick up Sterling early, and have to explain that Miranda fell and she needs to go to the doctor. I take him to Heather's and go to the ER with Miranda. Good thing I had bought a new toy for her at WM, huh? She seems to be fine, but does have a lovely bruise on her head. After about 1.5 hours we are done at the ER. They decide not to do a CT scan since she had normal cranial nerve function, and there is no apparent reason to expose her brain to radiation. But I should take her to her pediatrician the next day, just to make sure it is all good.
We get home and all is well. Sterling and her are playing as usual and having a great time. Mom really needs a drink. After we go to bed, I keep seeing her fall every time I close my eyes. Not a fun thing. Then, every time she makes the smallest sound, I go check on her. Sometimes even if she doesn't make a sound. She was fine. Took her to the doctor the next morning. They said everything seemed fine and just be careful. YEAH!!!
I take her to school and have to run to the church for something. On the way from the church, I am thinking about how good Taco Bueno sounds and what is the best way to get there. Or do I even want to mess with it? Why not just go home and go to sleep? I am in my own little world, when I look up and what do I see? A motorcycle cop! Yep, you guessed it. I got a ticket for speeding. At this point all I wanted to do was sleep, so I did not even attempt to discuss my fun couple of days with him.

This week is definitely looking better. Knock on wood.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

When are we grown ups?

Has anyone ever wondered at what age we are grown ups? Is it legal age? Is it when we graduate high school? Graduate college? Get married? Well, I have heard the answer.

Sterling and his girlfriend, Natalie, got into the van a week or so ago, and informed me that they were going to get married. But that they could not get married until they were grown up. I, being the good mom that I am, asked if they knew when they would be grown up. They both answered that they would be grown up when they were five, and then they could get married.

Now as I sat contemplating this, I realized that Natalie'g birthday was the next week and Sterling's is the end of May. Does that mean they will be moving out? Will I still have to help him get dressed and tie his shoes? How will they pay for the apartment or house they will live in? And who in the world is going to make sure that the monsters and creepy things are not in the apartment or house? I don't really see either one of them taking this on.

As we told the story when we went to Oklahoma last week, Sterling was asked when he was getting a job. He appeared horrified at the thought of a JOB. Then he decided his job would be to be married to Natalie. He also informed Jay-Pa that he could not have "stubble" on his face until he was a Daddy.

Kids just say the dardest things.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Sorry It Has Been SOOOOO Long

We went to Oklahoma for Christmas and saw friends and family. It was fun. The kids got to stay in their first hotel and swim in an indoor pool when we stayed in Tulsa OK on our way to Nowata to visit Jalynn's relatives. That was on our way form visiting Enid, where we saw Jeff's Grandmother.

The kids are busy. Sterling in still in gymnastics and patiently waiting for basketball to start. He changed his minds a couple of times - between baseball and basketball, but finally decided. He is doing great in school and his speech program. He informed Mommy that when you put two letters together to make a sound it is a blend. As if I didn't know that.

Miranda started gymnastics at the YMCA in January and she loves it. Of course, Mommy had to buy her a little leotard to wear. How adorable is she?!

Jalynn is still working at the church and enjoying it. There was a small crisis regarding funeral receptions and the fact that Jalynn was to begin calling people to volunteer for food and serving, but she is working on getting that situation under control. She will be going to Larado, TX next week for a short conference. Jeff has really been a great support about her various nights out and trips.
Jeff is still at Raytheon and seems to enjoy it. But as soon as he walks in the house, the kids yell "Daddy's home!" and run to see him. If they hear the garage door open, they run to meet him before he ever even gets in the house.

Not much else going on, just the regular.

Hope to hear from everyone soon. Please feel free to stop by the house if you are ever down this way.



Tuesday, November 27, 2007

November 27, 2007

Hello everyone!

Sorry it has been so long since we updated. We have been busy.

We had some remodel work done on the house and it got finished, but then Jalynn had to get everything organized so she could fine stuff.

We hosted the Mitchell family for Thanksgiving - 18 people. It was fun and great to visit with and see everyone. Not to mention, they helped me wrap some 50 gifts for church. Thanks!!!

I am getting ready to go to Oklahoma for mine and Dad's Marathon Day of Christmas Shopping. I have got my list and think I know what all I need.

The kids are loving school. And Miranda seems to be learning a lot, as does Sterling.
We are looking forward to seeing many of our friends and family over the Christmas holidays.
As you can see, we went to get Santa pictures taken. The kids were great. Miranda and Sterling waved at Santa and were ready to sit on his lap. They even told him what they wanted for Christmas - sort of.
Hope all is well. More later.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Hello from McKinney

Hello everyone!

Seems to be this is a cool way to keep up with everyone! (Thanks L&P for the idea)

Some news - We are finally getting the gameroom upstairs a makeover. We are dividing it into two rooms. We will now have a guest room and the kids will have a playroom upstairs. Now maybe most of their toys will be kept upstairs!!! A girl can dream, can't she?

Sterling is in Kindergarten Readiness and loves it. He also goes to speech therapy 2 times a week and thinks of it as Big School. He loves the fact that he gets to ride the bus home. Such a big boy!!!!

Miranda is in her first year of preschool and seems to enjoy it. But - she will NOT take a nap without her pacifier. We have the school keep one just in case of loss.

Jalynn's job is going well. She is working at the church as the Family Life Director. Fun but a little crazy. At least I can work from home.

Jeff is busy and just got back from OSU recruiting.

Then we took Sterling to see the play The Lion King. He seemed to enjoy it, but got bored toward the end. But he is only 4.

Gotta go run some errands.
